Indoor League - Youth

Laws of the Game - Indoor







Est. 2009-2010

Amended December 2023



The PEI Indoor Soccer League will follow the FIFA Laws of the Game

except for those laws below which have been amended for indoor league play.



  • Half Field
  • Full Field                           


  • Half field - 7 vs 7 including the goalkeeper
  • Full field - 9 vs 9 including the goalkeeper


  • Substitutes may be done at any time during the match.
  • Substitutions will take place within 5 yards from the team bench.
  • Unlimited substitution shall be allowed.
  • Any of the other players may change places with the goalkeeper, provided that the referee is informed before the change is made, and provided also, that the change is made during a stoppage of the game.


  1. a) Play shall not be stopped for an infringement of the paragraph above (goalkeeper substitution). The player(s) concerned shall be warned and/or cautioned immediately after the ball goes out of play.
  2. b) If during a player substitution, a substitute player enters the playing field before the player being replaced is within 5 yards of the team bench, the referee shall stop the game.  (S)He shall warn and/or caution the substitute and restart the game with an indirect free kick to be taken by the team opposing that of the infringing player from the spot where the ball was situated when the game was stopped.  (in accordance with Law 13) 



  • A player will not be permitted to use any object that the referee may judge to be dangerous to other players.  The referee will require players to remove equipment and jewelry that in his/her judgement can be dangerous to another player.  If a player fails to carry out the referee’s instruction, the player shall not take part in the match.
  • The player’s uniform consists of: a shirt of long or short sleeves, shorts, socks, shin pads and appropriate footwear. 
  • The players’ shirts shall be numbered with each player of the same team having a different number.
  • Shin pads must be covered by socks.
  • Team colors shall not conflict with each other or those of the referee.
  • The goalkeeper will wear a uniform of different color from the other players and the referee.  For protection, (s)he will be allowed to wear long pants.


For any infringement of this playing law, the player at fault shall be instructed to leave the field of play by the referee, when the ball next ceases to be in play, unless by then there is no longer an infringement. Play shall not be stopped immediately for an infringement of this playing law. A player who is instructed to leave the field to adjust equipment or obtain missing equipment shall not return without first reporting to the referee, who must ensure that the player's equipment is in order. The player shall only re-enter the game at a moment when the ball has ceased to be in play.



  • The powers and duties of the referee shall be as stated in FIFA:  Laws of the Game, Law 5 - the Referee.


  • This law does not apply to indoor soccer


  • The length of the games will be fifty-five minutes.
  • The duration of any game will be extended to allow the taking of a penalty kick, even if the normal time has expired.


  • Kick-Off: A kick-off is the way of starting or restarting play.

                           - The visiting team will kick off at the start of the game


  • A goal may not be scored directly from a kick-off.
  • The kick may be taken in any direction (forwards, sideways, or backwards) on the field of play. All players shall be in their own half of the field and every player of the team opposing that of the kicker shall remain not less than 5 yards from the ball until it is kicked. The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player.


For any infringement of this playing law, the kick-off shall be retaken, except in the case of the kicker playing the ball again before it has been touched or played by another player; for this offence, a free kick shall be taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions as described in Law 13.

  • When restarting the game after a temporary suspension of play from any cause not mentioned elsewhere in these playing laws, provided that immediately prior to the suspension the ball had not passed over the touch or goal lines, the referee shall drop the ball at the place where it was when play was suspended, unless it was within the penalty area at that time, in which case it shall be dropped on the penalty-area line, parallel to the goal line, nearest to where the ball was when play was suspended. It shall be deemed in play when it has touched the ground.


  • The ball is out of play:
  1. a) when it has crossed completely, whether on the ground or in the air, the sidelines or end lines; *For half field play - the ball is out when it hits the curtain
  2. b) when the game is stopped by the referee;
  3. c) when it comes in contact with the ceiling or any apparatus hanging from the ceiling. A free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team from the place where the last player of the other team touched the ball. If the ball was last kicked from inside the penalty area; the ball shall be placed on the line of the penalty area.


Law 11 - OFFSIDE

  • The offside law does not apply to indoor soccer.


A player who commits any of the following six offences in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or involving disproportionate force:



kicks or attempts to kick an opponent;



trips or attempts to trip an opponent;



jumps at an opponent;



charges an opponent, including forcing into the mesh/curtain;



strikes or attempts to strike an opponent; or



pushes an opponent;


or who commits any of the following five offenses:



when tackling an opponent makes contact with the opponent before contact is made with the ball;



spits at an opponent;



holds an opponent;



handles the ball deliberately, i.e., carries, strikes or propels the ball with hand or arm (this does not apply to the goalkeepers within their penalty areas); or



Slide tackles in an attempt to win possession of the ball from an opponent, whether touching an opponent or not (goalkeepers are allowed to slide - HANDS FIRST - within their area in an attempt to play the ball as long as it is not done in a dangerous or reckless manner)


shall be penalized by the award of an indirect free kick to be taken by the opposing team from the place where the offense occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions described in Law 13. Should a player of the defending team commit one of the above eleven offences within the penalty area, the player shall be penalized by the awarding of a penalty kick, regardless of the position of the ball, as long as it is in play.



A player committing any of the six following offences:


playing in a manner considered by the referee to be dangerous;



charging fairly, i.e., with the shoulder, when the ball is not within playing distance of the players concerned and they are definitely not trying to play it;



when not playing the ball, impeding the progress of an opponent, i.e., running between the opponent and the ball, or interposing the body so as to form an obstacle to an opponent;



moving with the goalkeeper while he/she is holding the ball in an effort to prevent the goalkeeper from releasing it; 



when playing as a goalkeeper and within the penalty area commits any of the following five offences:



takes more than six seconds while controlling the ball with her/his hands, before releasing it from her/his possession,



touches the ball again with her/his hands after it has been released from her/his possession and has not touched any other player,



touches the ball with her/his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to her/him by a team-mate,



touches the ball with her/his hands after she/he has received it directly from a kick-in taken by a team-mate,



wastes time






during a “flying substitution” enters the playing field before the player being substituted is within 5 yards of the touch line.

shall be penalized by the award of a free kick to be taken by the opposing side from where the infringement occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions of Law 13.


A player shall be cautioned and shown the yellow card if, in the opinion of the referee, the player:



is guilty of unsporting behaviour;



shows dissent by word or action;



persistently infringes the Playing Laws Of Indoor Soccer;



delays the restart of play;



fails to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick or a free kick;



enters the field of play without the referee’s permission other than in the act of substitution;



deliberately leaves the field of play without the referee’s permission other that in the act of substitution, or



slide tackles or attempts to slide tackle in a dangerous or persistent manner.

If the referee stopped play to administer the caution, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team from the place where the offence occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions imposed in Law 13, unless a more serious infringement of the playing laws was committed.

A player shall be sent off the field of play and shown the red card if, in the opinion of the referee, the player:



is guilty of serious foul play;



is guilty of violent conduct;



spits at an opponent or any other person;



denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (this does not apply to a goalkeeper within her/his own penalty area);



denies an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player’s goal by an offence punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick;



uses offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures; or



receives a second caution in the same match.

If play is stopped by reason of a player being ordered from the field of play for an offence without a separate breach of the playing law having been committed, the game shall be resumed by a free kick awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions described in Law 13



  • All free kicks shall all be classified as "indirect" (a goal cannot be scored unless the ball has been played or touched by a player other than the kicker before passing through the goal).


  • When a player is taking a free kick inside their own penalty area, all of the opposing players shall be at least 5 yards from the ball and shall remain outside the penalty area until the ball has been kicked out of the area. The ball shall be in play immediately when it is kicked directly beyond the penalty area. If the ball is not kicked directly into play, beyond the penalty area, the kick shall be retaken.


  • When a player is taking a free kick outside the player's own penalty area, all of the opposing players shall be at least 5 yards from the ball, until it is in play, unless they are standing on their own goal line, between the goal posts. The ball shall be in play when it is kicked and moves.


  • If a player of the opposing team encroaches into the penalty area, or within 5 yards of the ball, as the case may be, before a free kick is taken, the referee shall delay the taking of the kick, until the playing law is complied with.


  • The ball must be stationary when a free kick is taken, and the kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player.


  • Any free kick awarded to the defending team, within its own goal area, may be taken from any point within the penalty area.


  • Any free kick awarded to the attacking team within its opponent's penalty area, which is not a penalty shot, shall be taken from the penalty-area line nearest to where the offence occurred and at least one metre from the goal line.



  • If the kicker, after taking the free kick, plays the ball a second time before it has been touched or played by another player, a free kick shall be taken by a player of the opposing team from the spot where the infringement occurred, subject to the above guidelines.



  • A penalty kick is a free kick taken from the penalty spot on the playing field.  At the moment of the kick, all players, with the exception of the goalkeeper and the player taking the kick; should be inside the playing field, outside the penalty area, behind the ball and at least 5 yards from the ball.
  • The player taking the penalty must be within 2 yards of the ball.
  • The goalkeeper should take his/her position on his goal line and between the goalposts, and may not move forward off the line until the ball is kicked.
  • The ball shall be deemed in play directly after it has been touched and moves.  A goal may be scored directly from a penalty kick.
  • When a penalty kick is being taken during the normal course of play, or when time has been extended at half-time or full time to allow a penalty kick to be taken or retaken, a goal shall not be nullified if, before passing between the posts and under the crossbar, the ball touches either or both of the goalposts, or the crossbar, or the goalkeeper, or any combination of these, providing that no other infringement has occurred.




  1. a) For any infringement by the defending team, the kick will be repeated, if the kick did not result in a goal.
  2. b) For any infringement by the attacking team, if a goal is scored it will be disallowed and the kick retaken.
  3. c) For any infringement by the player taking the penalty kick after the ball is in play, a player of the opposing team shall be awarded an indirect free kick from the penalty spot.
  4. d) For an infringement by a member of both teams, the kick shall be retaken.
  5. e) For an infringement by the player taking the penalty kick, committed after the ball is in play, a player of the opposing team shall take an indirect free kick, subject to the conditions described in Law 13.


Law 15 - THROW-IN

  • When the whole of the ball completely crosses over the touch line, play will be restarted with a throw-in by a player of the opposing team to that of the player who last touched it.
  • The throw must be taken from the point where the ball crossed the line.
  • The throw must be taken using proper procedures, meaning that at the moment of delivering the ball, the thrower must:

-          face the field of play

-       have part of both feet either on the touch line and/or on the surface outside the touch line.

-          use both hands

-          deliver the ball from behind and over the head

  • The player taking the throw shall not touch the ball a second time until it has been played or touched by another player.
  • The players of the opposing team shall be no less than two yards away from the point at which the throw-in is being taken.
  • The ball is in play as soon as it enters the field of play
  • A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in.


  1. a) If the thrower plays the ball a second time before it has been touched by another player, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred, subject to the conditions of Law 13.
  2. b) If the throw-in is directly handled by the goalkeeper on the same team as the thrower, an indirect free kick will be awarded, subject to the conditions of Law 13.
  3. c) If an attempted throw-in does not enter the field of play, the throw will be retaken.
  4. d) If an opponent unfairly impedes or distracts the thrower, that player will be cautioned for unsporting behavior.
  5. e) For any infringements made by the thrower during the taking of the throw, the throw-in will be given to the opposing team.


Law 16 - GOAL KICK

  • When the whole of the ball passes over the goal-line, excluding that portion between the goal-posts, either in the air or on the ground and having last been played by one of the attacking team, it shall be kicked by a player of the defending team.
  • The ball shall be placed at any point within the penalty area
  • If the ball is not kicked beyond the penalty area, directly into play, the kick shall be retaken. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has touched or been played by another player.
  • Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the goal-kick shall remain outside the penalty-area and at least 5 yards from the ball until the ball has been kicked out of the penalty-area.
  • A goal may not be scored from a goal kick.
  •  A goal kick must not enter the opponent’s penalty area without touching a player or the ground first. Failure will result in an indirect free kick for the opponents inside their penalty area.


  • If the player taking a goal-kick plays the ball a second time after it has passed beyond the penalty-area, but before it has touched or been played by another player, an indirect free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred, subject to the conditions of Law 13.


  • When the whole of the ball passes over the goal line excluding that portion between the goal-posts, either in the air or on the ground having last been played by one of the defending team, a member of the attacking team shall take a corner-kick.
  • For the corner kick, the whole of the ball shall be placed on, or within, the corner arc. For facilities without corner arcs, the ball shall be placed within 1 yard where the touchline meets the goal line.
  • Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the corner-kick shall not approach within 5 yards of the ball until it is in play, (kicked and moves) nor shall the kicker play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player.



  • If the player who takes the kick plays the ball a second time before it has been touched or played by another player, the referee shall award an indirect free-kick to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred, subject to the conditions described in Law 13.














In the event that penalty kicks have to be taken to determine the winner of a match the following conditions shall apply:

1) All dressed players (excluding any who were dismissed) shall be “eligible players” to take part in the kicks.

2) When a team finishes the match with a greater number of players than its opposing team, that team shall reduce its numbers to equate with that of its opposing team.

3) Before the start of "kicks from the penalty mark", the referee shall ensure that only an equal number of players from each team remain within the centre circle and they shall take the kicks.

4) The referee shall choose the goal at which all of the kicks shall be taken.

5) The referee tosses a coin and the team whose captain wins the toss decides whether to take the first or second kick.

6) The referee shall keep a record of the kicks being taken.

7) Subject to the conditions below, both teams shall take 5 kicks, which will be alternately taken by the teams.

8) If, before both teams have taken five kicks, one has scored more goals than the other could score, even if it were to complete its five kicks, no more kicks shall be taken.

9) If, after both teams have taken five kicks, both have scored the same number of goals, or have not scored any goals, kicks continue to be taken in the same order until one team has scored a goal more than the other from the same number of kicks.

10) Each kick is taken by a different player and all eligible players must take a kick before a player can take a second kick.

11) An eligible player may change places with the goalkeeper at any time when kicks from the penalty mark are being taken.

12) Only the eligible players and match officials are permitted to remain on the field of play when kicks from the penalty mark are being taken.

13) All eligible players except the two goalkeepers and the player taking the kick must remain at centre-line.


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